Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mmm... cake

I'm pretty sure that I would also marry Sloan Crosley. Here she is at Google. Here's a funny episode of the Sound of Young America with her.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


The New Yorker has a recent profile of Naomi Klein. I haven't done much substantial reading of any of Klein's work, but despite that, I'm pretty sure I would marry her if I could.

Spreading the Social Gospel?

I must say that I'm still a bit conflicted about Rick Warren doing the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration. Since I'm not that all religious, one part of me thinks that there shouldn't be an invocation anyways. But I recognize the role religion plays in many lives and in American society, so with that assumption, what does it mean to have Rick Warren give the invocation? I wouldn't want someone playing an important part in the inauguration to be a bigot in any way, be it anti-gay, anti-black, anti-Catholic, anti-Semetic, and so on. So what would be the reason to have Rick Warren there, who has made comparisons between gay marriage and incest?

I enjoyed reading Juan Cole's recent take on Warren, where Cole showed that in many ways, Warren is not the typical evangelical bigot. He bases his teachings on personal betterment and preaches a compelling social Gospel has been neglected from many religious teachings in recent years. 

Furthermore, if Barack Obama were a conservative Republican and picked Warren, then you could easily read into it as giving support to Warren's anti-equality views. But Obama obviously didn't pick him for that reason, or to give a wink to any particular political faction. I think that he did it in a sincere effort to bring people together (didn't he say once or twice or a million times while campaigning that he would be doing that?). I think what would be unfortunate with such gestures is that often they end up insulting many of your supporters while not meaning much to your political opposites. 

I think that in the end, this was a bad move, and I think that Rachel Maddow makes a good point: Obama's inauguration is to be a day that is a culmination of a long fight for equal rights in this country, so what's that guy who opposes equal rights for some people doing there?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

My "Bill Kristol is always wrong" theory gets challenged

Oh dear Lord, I never thought this would happen: I actually got through one of Bill Kristol's NYTimes columns without going nearly blind with rage. His one use of the phrase "political and media elites" notwithstanding, Kristol actually sums up a lot of my feelings on the current progress of the US auto industry bailout. The basic question of the article is: why the animosity towards the auto companies and its union? Kristol actually gives some accurate answers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

On the home front...

Originally, I thought Mitt Romney's NYTimes piece on the auto industry bailout was surprisingly realistic and reasonable. However, I find this piece from to be more on target. It recognizes the historical fact that Henry Ford and the industry he led helped to create the American middle class, along with the UAW, which rose standards for all worker, and made reality the idea that a factory worker could make enough to live the same quality of life as his company's management.

This piece gave me more perspective on the recent outsing of my former Congressman John Dingle from his commitee chairmanship; though Dingle can easily be portrayed as defending the auto industry at all cost, he has also been introducing legislation for univeral healthcare every year for the last half century. The fact is that Dingle cares about the people involved in the industry and the reprocussions that its failure would have, while someone like Romney doesn't.

I also like the point of view that the salon piece takes on the SUV boon of the last decade: though it is widely viewed as irresponisble, it was a way for the Big Three to countiue to live up to their obligations in the social contract.

Maximum Fun

Check out the work of Chip Kidd, who has designed book covers for the last 20 years or so. I saw him being interviewed at Bumbershoot this year at a taping of The Sound of Young America.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The South will come again!

The South seems to be becoming politically irrelevent, and from the sound of some of these comments, culturally and intellectionally isolated.